Metamask Transaction Issue: Invalid Parameters
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What is RPC Error?
RPC (remote procedure call) Error is a standard in Javascript and Ethereum that occurs when the application or browser cannot find the specified parameters for a function call. Invalid Parameters: Must Provide an Ethereum AddressError has occurred while trying to send transactions using metamask.
Why is this happening?
There are several reasons why you might be experiencing this issue:
- Insufficient Permission :
- Try adding aconsole.log
statement before sending transactions to verify if it is working as expected.
How to Resolve the Issue:
- Check Metamask Permissions
: Ensure that Metamask has the eventary permission to access transaction functionality on your Ethereum account:
* Go to Metamask> Account Settings
* Click on "Permissions"
* Select "Transaction" from the List of Allowed Actions
- ** Verify Script Execution
let address = ‘0x …’; // Replace with Your Ethereum Address
Function Sendtransaction () {
try {
// Send Transaction Using Metamask API (or Metamask Chrome Extension)
// …
console.log (transaction sent successionfully to $ {address}
} Catch (Error) {
Console.Error (‘Error Sending Transaction:’, Error);
- Check for errors :
Example Use Case:
Here’s an updated example code snippet with some additional error handling:
let address = ‘0x …’; // Replace with Your Ethereum Address
Function Sendtransaction () {
try {
Const txhash = Await Metamask.Sendtransaction ({
From: Address,
to: ‘0x …’, // Replace with Recipient Address
Value: ‘1 ether’,
Gas: ‘20000’,
Console.log (Transaction Sent successfully: $ {Txhash}
} Catch (Error) {
Console.Error (‘Error Sending Transaction:’, Error);
Alert (‘Transaction failed. Please try again later.’);
RPC Error
and send transactions using your metamask chrome extension correctly.
Additional Resources:
- Metamask Documentation: <
- Ethereum Blockchain Explorer: [Etherscan] ( or [blockscout] (
- Metamask Chrome Extension Documentation: <
If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask!